Chemical Peels & Dermaplaning

What is a Chemical Peel?

Why Chemical Peels?

Supporting the cell turnover process with chemical peels allows the skino b tring new, fresh skin to the surface free from signs of aging, sun damage, dirt, and debris. The result is glowing skin.

What is the downtime to a Peel?

There is minimal downtime with chemical peels. Following a post-procedure regimen recommended by expert esthetician skincare team following your treatment will maximize your results. You should avoid anything that causes sweating for 48 hours after treatment. You may peel for a few days after your initial 48 hours after your treatment.

Which Peel is Right for You?

Book a complimentary skincare consultation with our skincare expert and we will help you choose what fits best for your skincare issues and lifestyle.

What is Dermplaning?

Why Dermaplaning?

Removing the peach fuzz and dead skin is beneficial because the fine hair traps debris and oils leaving the skin looking dull. After the dermaplaning service, skincare products and treatments can penetrate the skin easily and perform much more effectively.

Who is Dermaplaning for?

Dermaplaning is recommended for all skin types except those with acneic skin. If you have deep cystic acne, wait until breakouts are clear before trying this treatment. As always, also discuss any allergies or skin sensitivities before starting a treatment. This is a great treatment if you are pregnant or nursing and want exfoliation without the risk of harsh chemicals absorbing into the blood stream and potentially harming your baby.